Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 – ответы

«British Bulldog» – международный конкурс по английскому языку, один из проектов Института продуктивного обучения Российской академии образования (Санкт-Петербург) под руководством академика М.И. Башмакова.

Впервые в России конкурс был проведен в 2007 году и собрал более 200 000 участников, а в последние годы число участников превышает 900 000.
По форме конкурс аналогичен своим «собратьям» – конкурсам «Кенгуру», «Русский медвежонок» и другим. Однако есть в нем элемент, отличающий «British Bulldog» от других аналогичных конкурсов – это аудирование. Во всех конкурсных заданиях присутствуют вопросы, на которые участники отвечают после прослушивания текста на английском языке.

Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 ответы 2 класс

1)Where does the Addam family live? The Addam family lives in … .

  • A) Moscow
  • B) London
  • C) Liverpool
  • D) New York

Ответ: С

2)Where does Mr Addam work? He works in a … .

  • A) shop
  • B) school
  • C) park
  • D) hospital

Ответ: B

3)What does Mr Addam do? He is a … .

  • A) teacher
  • B) doctor
  • C) driver
  • D) manager

Ответ: A

4)How many children do Mr and Mrs Addam have?

  • A) 1
  • B) 2
  • C) 3
  • D) 4

Ответ: B

5)What do Jacky and Bill do? They are … .

  • A) sportsmen
  • B) workers
  • C) teachers
  • D) students

Ответ: D

6)Посмотри на слова и выбери те, в которых сочетание букв «th» читается как [?] 6.

  • A) thirty
  • B) thing
  • C) think
  • D) weather

Ответ: D

7)A) that B) three C) maths D) throw

Ответ: A

8)A) thick B) other C) health D) therapy

Ответ: B

9)A) this B) thank C) mouth D) thirteen

Ответ: A

10)A) thin B) tooth C) theory D) mother

Ответ: D

11)He works in a hospital and treats patients.

  • A) A doctor
  • B) A painter
  • C) A farmer
  • D) A shop assistant

Ответ: A

12)She sings a song.

  • A) A doctor
  • B) A shop assistant
  • C) A singer
  • D) A farmer

Ответ: C

13)He paints a picture.

  • A) A doctor
  • B) A painter
  • C) A farmer
  • D) A shop assistant

Ответ: B

14)He takes care of a farm and has a big pumpkin.

  • A) A doctor
  • B) A painter
  • C) A singer
  • D) A farmer

Ответ: D

15)She sells ice cream.

  • A — a painter
  • B — a shop assistant
  • C — a singer
  • D — a farmer

Ответ: B

16)An elephant is

  • A-grey
  • B-yellow
  • C-blue
  • D-red

Ответ: A

Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 ответы 3-4 класс

1)What class are the pupils in? In the … .

  • A) 4th
  • B) 5th
  • C) 6th
  • D) 7th

Ответ: C

2)Which city are the children from? They are from … .

  • A) London
  • B) Oxford
  • C) Manchester
  • D) a small village

Ответ: C

3)When was the baby tiger born? … ago.

  • A) A week
  • B) Two weeks
  • C) Three weeks
  • D) Four weeks

Ответ: C

4)What does the baby tiger enjoy eating?

  • A) Meat
  • B) Fruits
  • C) Vegetable
  • D) Ice cream

Ответ: D

5)Why must the children be quiet? The baby tiger might be … .

  • A) eating
  • B) sleeping
  • C) playing
  • D) jumping

Ответ: B

Read the text and answer the questions I come home before midnight because the journey from the Television Centre to my home in north London takes six minutes. My family are all asleep when I get in, but I usually make a drink of hot milk and read a book for about an hour. I always get up to have breakfast with my three children before they catch the school bus. Then I takethe newspapers and go back to bed for a short time. Later on, I go for a swim.I sometimes go running. I have done the London Marathon twice. That’s a race of over 40 kilometres. I finished each time,but I wasn’t among the first! I start work after lunch at two o’clock, when I go to my office.

6)When does the man come home?

  • A) At midnight
  • B) Before 12 o’clock a.m.
  • C) At dawn
  • D) At 12 o’clock p.m.

Ответ: B

7)Where does the man work? At the … .

  • A) airport
  • B) theatre
  • C) TV Centre
  • D) stadium

Ответ: C

8)What does the man do before going to bed? He … .

  • A) watches TV
  • B) plays games
  • C) surfs the net
  • D) reads and drinks milk

Ответ: D

9)How do the children get to school?

  • A) By car
  • B) By tram
  • C) By bus
  • D) By bike

Ответ: C

10)What does the man do before his work? He … .

  • A) dances
  • B) swims
  • C) jumps
  • D) sings

Ответ: B

11)She never…. coffee in the morning

  • A — drink
  • B-drinks
  • C-isnt dring
  • D-doesnt drink

Ответ: B

12)I like the gym but i dont like running

Ответ: C

13)The girl some new clothes tomorrow.

Ответ: D

14)They havent got money.

Ответ: B

15)I always listen music when I eat.

Ответ: A


  • A-Halloween
  • B-Guy Fawkes Night
  • C-Pancake Day
  • D-Easter

Ответ: A

17)A green shamrock

  • A- St Patricks Day
  • B- Independence Day
  • C- Valentines Day
  • D) Easter

Ответ: A

18)Fireworks and bonfires

Ответ: A

Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 ответы 5-6 класс

1)What is the programme Eat Well about?

  • A) Food
  • B) Music
  • C) Dogs
  • D) Painting

Ответ: A

2)When can you watch Eat Well? At … o’clock.

  • A) 11
  • B) 12
  • C) 2
  • D) 3

Ответ: A

3)Who is Michael White?

  • A) A chef
  • B) A singer
  • C) A dancer
  • D) A painter

Ответ: B

4)How many songs will Michael White sing?

  • A) 4
  • B) 5
  • C) 6
  • D) 7

Ответ: C

5)Which is Michael White’s favourite song? “You are the … .”

  • A) Sun Glasses
  • B) Sunlight
  • C) Sunshine
  • D) Sun Rays

Ответ: C

6)When else can you see the programme about Michael White?

  • A) At 2 o’clock
  • B) On Monday
  • C) At 3 o’clock
  • D) On Friday

Ответ: B

7)What can Tony Smart teach you to do?

  • A) To paint pictures
  • B) To sing
  • C) To do nothing
  • D) To care about animals

Ответ: A

8)Who plays the leading role in the drama On the Farm?

  • A) Michael White
  • B) Tony Smart
  • C) Tony White
  • D) Jason Davis

Ответ: D

9)Which animal stars with him? A … .

  • A) cat
  • B) dog
  • C) horse
  • D) donkey

Ответ: B

10)Which is the last programme for today?

  • A) Eat Well
  • B) The one about swimming
  • C) A drama
  • D) The news programme

Ответ: D

Read the text and answer the questions This is the story of a ghost. He lives in the beautiful Centerville Castle. Mr Otis and his family live there, too. The ghost has big red eyes, grey hair, a long nose, thin legs and a white face. He thinks he’s very frightening. But nobody is afraid of him. The ghost is very sad and unhappy. He cries in his room in the tower. Mr Otis’ daughter, Virginia, feels sorry for him and wants to help him. The ghost tells her about his problem. He can only rest when a girl with blonde hair helps him and the almond tree in the garden has flowers. Virginia and the ghost go through a wall. The Otis family looks for Virginia in the rooms, under the beds, behind the doors, and on the roof. They finally see her sitting under the almond tree in the garden. They look up and notice that the almond tree has flowers. Virginia and the ghost can finally rest. Now they are happy.

11)What creature lives in the castle?

  • A) A leprechaun
  • B) A ghost
  • C) A werewolf
  • D) A zombie

Ответ: B

12)What does the creature think of himself?

  • A) He’s ugly
  • B) He’s handsome
  • C) He’s scary
  • D) He’s charming

Ответ: C

13)Are the inhabitants of the castle afraid of him?

  • A) Yes, some
  • B) Yes, all of them
  • C) No, nobody
  • D) No, only the girl

Ответ: C

14)How does the ghost feel?

  • A) He’s pleased
  • B) He’s happy
  • C) He’s upset
  • D) He’s lost

Ответ: C

15)What does he often do in his tower?

  • A) He sleeps
  • B) He has meals
  • C) He dances
  • D) He sobs
  • Ответ: D

16)What colour is Virginias hair?

Ответ: C

17)Who can help the poor creature?

Ответ: C

18)How do the creature and Virginia get to the garden? Through the

Ответ: D

19)Where do Mr and Mrs Otis find their daughter?

Ответ: C

20)Why is the ghost happy?

Ответ: C

Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 ответы 7-8 класс

1)Who visits the girl?

  • A) David
  • B) Jim
  • C) Susan
  • D) Tom

Ответ: A

2)What does she offer the visitor?

  • A) Tea
  • B) Milk
  • C) Coffee
  • D) Smoothie

Ответ: C

3)Who is the last to agree on the plan of the route?

  • A) David
  • B) Jim
  • C) Susan
  • D) Tom

Ответ: A

4)What was David busy with?

  • A) Writing poems
  • B) Preparing for exams
  • C) Writing a thesis
  • D) Revising the rules

Ответ: C

5)What is marked on the map?

  • A) Hospitals
  • B) Sights
  • C) Airports
  • D) Police stations

Ответ: B

6)When are they going to be in Paris? On the … .

  • A) 22nd
  • B) 23rd
  • C) 24th
  • D) 25th

Ответ: D

7)How are they going to get to Paris?

  • A) By car
  • B) By bus
  • C) By plane
  • D) By train

Ответ: D

8)Why have they booked a sleeper?

  • A) It is the cheapest
  • B) They would like to sit up all night
  • C) They didn’t want to sleep
  • D) They want to have a good sleep

Ответ: D

9)Why don’t they want to have meals inrestaurants?

  • A) The food isn’t tasty
  • B) The service is bad
  • C) So they can save money
  • D) So they can save time

Ответ: C

10)Why will it be good to stay in a hostel, in their opinion? They could … .

  • A) walk a lot
  • B) enjoy the scenery
  • C) watch TV
  • D) cook their own food

Ответ: D

Read the text and answer the questions The Equator passes through the land of eleven countries of the world, such as Kenya, Indonesia, Brazil and so on. Bolivia is nearer the Equator than Greece, but Greece is nearer the Equator than Denmark. The countries on the Equator mostly have tropical rainforest or an equatorial climate. Places nearer the Equator are hotter, and average annual rainfall is quite high. But why? The Equatordivides the planet into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere. It is halfway between theNorth Pole and the South Pole. The Earth is widest at its Equator. The heat comes from the Sun. The heat is the same at the Equator and at the Poles. But near the Poles the heat covers a larger areathan at the Equator. So at the Poles each place gets less heat and it is colder. That’s why places farther from the Equator are colder.

11)Which of the listed countries is the nearest to the Equator?

  • A) Denmark
  • B) Greece
  • C) Bolivia
  • D) Russia

Ответ: C

12)How many countries does the Equator gothrough?

  • A) 3
  • B) 5
  • C) 8
  • D) 11

Ответ: D

13)Which country mentioned in the text does the Equator not go through?

  • A) Brazil
  • B) Kenya
  • C) Greece
  • D) Indonesia

Ответ: C

14)What is typical for the most of the countries on the Equator?

  • A) Taiga
  • B) Glacier
  • C) Steppe
  • D) Tropical rainforest

Ответ: D

15)What about the places nearer the Equator? They are … .

  • A) colder
  • B) chillier
  • C) hotter
  • D) cooler

Ответ: C

Конкурс британский бульдог 2021 ответы 9-11 класс

1)For how long did the adventure last?

  • A) A week
  • B) More than two months
  • C) A year
  • D) More than three weeks

Ответ: D

2)Why did the guys have to shorten their journey? They had no … .

  • A) time and health
  • B) desire and opportunity
  • C) money and energy
  • D) interest and transport

Ответ: C

3)How did they travel?

  • A) On foot
  • B) By plane
  • C) By ship
  • D) By train

Ответ: C

4)Why did the young people agree on their route beforehand? To avoid … .

  • A) criticism
  • B) disappointment
  • C) quarrels
  • D) pleasure

Ответ: C

5)Why did they have to change some of their plans? They found out the place was … .

  • A) insecure
  • B) not worth visiting
  • C) notorious
  • D) too crowded

Ответ: B

6)Where did they prefer to sleep?

  • A) In tents
  • B) At hotels
  • C) At hostles
  • D) On the train

Ответ: D

7)What was wrong with the young man’s tent? It … .

  • A) was stuffy inside
  • B) didn’t protect from the rain
  • C) was too big
  • D) was very expensive

Ответ: B

8)What did the young man do to avoid robbery? He put his passport and money … .

  • A) under the pillow
  • B) in his boots
  • C) in his rucksack
  • D) in his sleeping bag

Ответ: D

9)What are the guys doing to prepare for their next adventure? They are … .

  • A) studying the maps
  • B) buying necessary thing
  • C) saving money
  • D) discussing their route

Ответ: C

10)What do they think is the advantage of sleeping on the train? It is … .

  • A) enjoyable
  • B) expensive and comfortable
  • C) unusual
  • D) unexpensive and comfy

Ответ: D

Read the text and answer the questions It is no coincidence that we use colours to describe our moods. For example, if we are feeling depressed we say we are feeling ‘blue’. It seems highly likely that the colours that surround us really do affect our emotions. In doing so, it is possible that they may also influence our health. Over two thousand years ago, scientists and philosophers wrote of the healing powers of colour, while in ancient Egypt temples were designed so that sunlight shone through precious stones to create a mystical red light. We now refer to this belief about the powers of colour as ‘colour therapy’. Therapists claim that we can alter how we feel emotionally by makinguse of different colours in rooms to lighten our mood. For example, many public buildings, including hospitals, favour green or blue walls so as to create a calming atmosphere and cause stress levels to go down. Claims have even been made that different colours can be helpful in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia, toothache and depression.

11)What does “to feel blue” mean? I’m … .

  • A) happy
  • B) excited
  • C) shocked
  • D) sad

Ответ: D

12)What did scientists write about colours many years ago? They could … .

  • A) insult people
  • B) change people
  • C) treat people
  • D) inspire people

Ответ: C

13)What colour did the sunlight transform into in ancient Egyptian temples?

  • A) Yellow
  • B) Red
  • C) White
  • D) Pink

Ответ: B

14)On what condition could the sunlight transform into that colour? The sunlight shone through the … .

  • A) water
  • B) mud
  • C) pebbles
  • D) precious stones

Ответ: D

15)What does the expression “colour therapy” imply?

  • A) Healing people
  • B) Amusing people
  • C) Charming people
  • D) Entertaining people

Ответ: A

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  1. Арghынбек Н?ргuл


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